Our first Random Act of Kindness

Today we did our first official Random Act of Kindness (RAK).  Yesterday I baked and decorated some cupcakes for our lovely recipients and today was delivery day.  I went along to the Trinity Holistic Centre at James Cook Hospital, Middlesbrough and delivered the cakes.  The Holistic Centre provide complementary therapy treatments and support for cancer sufferers and their carers and is a charity close to many people’s hearts.


The cakes were decorated with our Twitter and website details and I placed them in a box with a printout of what Love Join Me is all about.  I was very nervous making the delivery as, after all, it is the first time that I have done such a RAK and I was wondering how it would be received.  The reaction of the centre staff was more than I would have expected! They were so pleased with my offering and even went and got other people to come and look.  They were so very thankful.  But, really, THANK YOU Trinity Holistic Centre volunteers for the absolutely amazing work you do.  You make people’s lives better every single day! What’s a few pink cakes compared to that?! IMG_1264

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